
Introducing the World’s First Smart Shoe

New tech covers our eyes and our wrists. Now, be prepared to strap it onto your feet.

The first “smart shoe” will arrive on shelves in India in September, finally revolutionizing the obsolete 40,000-year-old accessory that until now has only served to protect our soles. The Bluetooth-enabled Lechal shoe connects to a smartphone, providing real time fitness and directional information.

The shoe will also “sync up with a smartphone app that uses Google maps and vibrate to tell users when and where to turn to reach their destination,” according to the Wall Street Journal. “Just tell your phone where you want to go and then you can leave it in your pocket because the buzzing in your left or right shoe will lead the way.”

These intelligent sneakers won’t immediately be available in the U.S., so we must remain content donning our low-tech footwear for now.

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