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Footwear Times is a portal for Footwear people; we provide updates related to Footwear industry and catering to hundreds of thousands of members and actively contributing in all around updation of footwear sector.
We are looking for your submissions for our news part and update related to footwear industry
We’re always looking for inside news from industry.
When your article is published in a portal we’ll feature your contact button that links to your profile!
Submissions should relate to footwear and must be original work. Your news should be roughly 200 words (not limited to), cite your sources of information, or “lead” and supporting information, be clear and concise about update you want to share.
Additionally, did you know that this article will increase your chance of visibility from the crowd and you will be known as one of the few people contributing in updating the whole footwear industry.
All articles will be reviewed for publication and you will be contacted if your article is selected. Please submit all articles to footweartimes (at)
With Title, Description, Image/link, your brief introduction and contact information.
Footwear Times reserves the right to edit articles. Please see additional terms and conditions here.